Wind Turbine Lightning Damage in Kansas: Big Storms, Big Problems?

near lightning wind turbine

Recently in El Dorado Kansas, the town’s wind turbine–expected to provide power to the water treatment plant and hundreds of local homes–was damaged by a lightning strike. The turbine was out of commission due to the damage and the town’s people were voicing their frustrations about what was supposed to be a money-saving expenditure.

Read more about the town’s wind turbine damage here.

What Happens When Wind Turbines Are Struck By Lightning?

Not all wind turbine lightning strikes are as dramatic as the ones below, causing major damage and, in some cases, total destruction to the turbine.

But, strikes do occur regularly and can place a wind turbine out of service for repairs, as was the case in El Dorado.

A wind turbine purchased by the town of El Dorado, Kansas has been damaged by a lightning strike.  The wind turbine was used to power pumps at a water reclamation site but now the town is back on the grid.

Great Plains Wind Turbine Lightning Damage

Lightning is a common sight in Kansas during the spring and summer months as large thunderstorm travel over the prairies during the afternoons and evenings.  Wind turbines in Kansas and throughout the middle of the United States must be protected from lightning damage to ensure reliable operation.

What about Winter Lightning?

Ongoing studies continue to improve our understanding about winter lightning and how it may cause greater damage than previously thought. For more information about research into lightning the specific risks it poses to wind operations, tune into the Uptime podcast. Each podcast episode includes wind industry news and insights from lightning technologies expert and CEO Allen Hall. Uptime guests include experts from DGNVL, ESIG, and other industry leaders and innovators, and we discuss issues ranging from Winter Lighting research and findings to ongoing maintenance issues related to wind turbines.

split wind turbine blade design

Contact us Today

Need to talk to a lightning expert? You can schedule a consultation with WeatherGuard Lightning Tech CEO and lightning technologies expert Allen Hall here.

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