About Weather Guard Lightning Tech
In 2006, we founded Weather Guard Lightning Tech to improve aircraft lightning safety.
The lightning protection products available in aerospace just weren't working.
Our CEO, Allen Hall, knew we could do better than what the market was offering.

The wind energy market was next, as operators knew our LPS would extend blade life dramatically.
Planes flying with our StrikeTape lightning diverters reported years of trouble-free service. Companies were ecstatic.
If it worked for commercial jets...it would work for wind turbines.
In 2011, we began distributing to wind farms all over the world.
Lightning damage is a major problem that reduces efficiency and profitability.
Our StrikeTape diverters are the #1 choice for operators who need an LPS that just works.
In 2020, we achieved ISO:9001 certification. We're obsessed with quality.
Our LPS is Protecting Wind Farms Worldwide
Our Founder, Allen Hall, Lightning Protection Expert
Allen Hall has been working in lightning protection of wind turbines and aircraft for 20+ years. He serves as an FAA designated engineering representative (DER) and served as a Senior Technical Specialist for Lightning Technologies, Inc for 10 years.
As a leading lightning protection expert, he designed his proprietary StrikeTape lightning diverter technology to protect wind turbines and aircraft worldwide.
A career aerospace and electrical engineer, Allen is sought-after for his expertise in protection against lightning, electromagnetic interference and radio frequency transmission.
Our Wind Energy Podcast - Listen Now
Contact Us Now
Call us at 1.413.217.1139
We're here to take your call 9am to 5pm EST Mon - Fri
Email us at info@wglightning.com
One of our team members will get back to you within 24 hours